
  • CPDH – “You can write baby code. You need a computer scientist to build the powerful stuff.”

    By on September 1, 2015

    As a scholar of English interested in Children’s Literature, I have spent hours building data scrapers, contemplating user experience,...

    CPDH/DH Praxis 15 - Chris Vitale
  • Entry 13

    By on May 3, 2015

    This week I’ve begun exploring use cases and possible user stories. Working through our Mother Goose corpus is forcing...

    CPDH/DH Praxis 15 - Chris Vitale
  • Entry 10

    By on April 19, 2015

    This week has been a week of reflection and reorientation. After addressing issues with the timeline and our current...

    CPDH/DH Praxis 15 - Chris Vitale
  • Entry 1.5

    By on February 10, 2015

    CPDH/DH Praxis 15 - Chris Vitale
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